Saturday, September 27, 2008

If It's So Great - Why Don't the Democrats Pass It On Their Own?

Now, you have three factions out of four who agree with the so-called rescue. And the rescue, the best way to explain what the immediate objective of the rescue is is to provide liquidity for banks. It's about the banking system so they can loan money, borrow money, and all of that. So you've got Treasury Secretary Paulson and President Bush and the Democrats that make up three legs of this stool, and then you have the conservative House Republicans who make up the fourth leg. Now, here's what you have to know. It's something very simple. All you have to know is this. The Democrats can make this happen in both the House and the Senate without a significant number of Republican votes.

So you might ask, "Well, then, why all this hassle? Why are the Democrats insisting on Republican support for a deal that the Democrats and Bush and Paulson could do without the Republicans, and they could cut the Republicans out of it?" I'll tell you why... They don't want to be on the hook alone because their mail and phone calls on Capitol Hill is overwhelmingly opposed to this, whether the people understand it or not, they're overwhelmingly opposed to it, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid admits that in a lame and very aggravating press conference Friday morning with Senator Chris Dodd (who is one of the senators responsible for the failure of Freddie and Fannie Mac in the first place).

Now, the Democrats, said on Thursday, "We had a deal, we had a deal, and then the House Republicans showed up and they sabotaged it." Let me ask a very simple question. Everybody knows the House Republicans are conservative. How in the world can it be a surprise that the House Republicans' attitude about this is going to be conservative? There never was a deal! The Democrats are continuing that lie today, from Harry Reid to Claire McCaskill on down the line, Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer, they are all trying to say there was a deal done until McCain showed up and inserted presidential politics into this. This is a clear attempt by the Democrats here to ace out McCain, but there's something else going on. The Democrats have a majority in both Houses. They can do whatever they want. The House Republicans, Boehner and his gang, God bless them, they were cut out of this process by the same Democrats who are demanding their support. The Democrats are demanding that the Republicans cave on what they believe. The Republicans are insisting as part of the "rescue plan" that true ecnomic stimulants like Capital Gain and Corporate taxes are reduced, even if for a short time. The Democrats are saying, "Capital gains, what are you talking about, capital gains? Corporate tax cut, what are you talking about? Are you guys from Mars?" And the House Republicans so far are holding firm.

Now, if this bill that the Democrats and Henry Paulson and Bush want, if it's so wonderful, why don't they do it? And why don't they say, "Screw you, Boehner, and screw you, House Republicans? We're going to do this wonderfully great bill and you're going to get the left out of getting any of the credit for it." The Democrats want it both ways. If this bill is so good, they should pass it, they should brag about it, they should take credit for it.

But they have not done, what do we know? What can we learn? What we can learn is that the Democrats understand this bill is dirty!!. Senator Lindsey Graham (Republican, South Carolina - Serves on Senate Armed Services and Judiciary Committees) was on Greta Van Susteren's show on Fox and said, (paraphrasing) "Look, one of the things that the House Republicans have found here is that 20% of something in this bailout is going to go to ACORN," -- the illegal Democrat fraudulent voter registration group that is directly tied to Barack Obama. Not 20% of the whole amount, but 20% of something in this bailout is going to ACORN. Well, how can the House Republicans support that? They have to fight that kind of thing. ACORN is in court half the time defending what they're doing, and half the time the liberal judges find them not guilty.

What they really want, what this is about in addition to many other things, they want the Republicans in the House to repudiate their own philosophy. They want the Republicans in the House to repudiate their base: us. Why? It's not just for bragging rights. It's because if the House Republicans will cave here on conservative principles -- you know, principles are principles. You don't cave on principles. You might cave on a tactic or a strategy, but you don't cave on principles. Now, if the Republicans can be forced into caving on their core principles, then can you imagine the The Democrats will say...Well, you did it once. So politically here, there is a lot at stake. You could say that the Republicans are fighting a hugely important battle, and they are doing terrific work. If this bill gets signed as it's apparently designed by the Democrats, then the Republican base will be very angry at the Republicans in the House, the conservatives, for abandoning them.

So that's part of what's going on.

The Democrats cannot get their story straight. It's beyond dispute at this point that congressional Republicans were never on board this, and yet the Democrats continue to say that they had agreed to a framework on Thursday. It is equally clear that the Democrat majority doesn't want to act without the cover of a substantial number of Republican votes.

Now, again, it needs to be pointed out, if this bill is so wonderful, and if it's so great, and if it's got so much in it that will save America, why don't the Democrats just say, "Okay, you guys don't want to be part of this, fine, we'll sign it, we'll handle it, we'll take all the credit for this, and you guys are going to be left holding the bag when America ends up loving us." If it's that wonderful, if it's that great, why do they want Republicans with them on the hook?

What we really want to happen here is a rescue, temproary in nature, to get cash into these financial institutions and the way to do that is to purchase these mortages from the troubled financial institutions as is being done...but we don't need the all the additional funds that the Democrats want to attach to the the funds to go to organizations like ACORN. The rescue bill should have stipulations that limit the use of the rescue funds to loans, credit and mortgages and don't allow executive payouts. In addition, to stimulate the economy, we need to suspend taxes on capital gains and corporate entities even if only for a limited time...this stimulates the has worked every time it has been tried. And lastly...we need to hold the executives and government overseers who are responsible for this situation accountable! Where is the special prosecuter for this. You know...the Democrats have wanted to investigate everything the Bush administration has done but there is absolute silence form the Democratic majority of both the House and Senate on having an invetigation into this financial crisis by a special prosecuter. I wonder why that is???

You decide!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. I always appreciate your insight into these confusing events!