Monday, September 29, 2008

Ding Dong the Bill Is Dead!

The "bailout" bill has died an ugly death in the House by a vote of 228 to 205. After all the bargining, all the rheortic, all the posturing, begging and strong arming the House Republicans did not cave in. The defeat is a true representation of the failed leadership of the wicked witch of the house...Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Here is why the failure of the bill is a GOOD thing:

1) The taxpayers are paying for this bailout without getting anything in return (don't believe the story that the taxpayers will actually "make" money on the deal. Not one cent would ever make it's way to a taxpayer).
2) There is NO imminent stock market crash. If a crash were imminent companies would not be buying other companies. They would be liquidating their assets and their investors would be making a run on the banks to get their cash. In fact, most of the failed institutions are being purchased. In the last three weeks Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathawy has purchased three large corporations.
3) The reason the lending institutions are not currently lending is because they are waiting for the Government bailout. They are not even attempting to pursue any other course of action (which would cost them money and not give them the best deal). The government should tell these institutions they are on their own. Believe me, someone (even foriegn investors) would come calling quickly.
4) REMEMBER: If there were truly a crisis and imminent failure of the economy the democratic controlled House and Senate could pass any legeslation they desired. THEY ARE IN THE MAJORITY! They have not done that. WHY? Becuase the bailout is meant to help the financial institutions and the executives who run them...NOT YOU AND ME. The Democrats do not want to move forward on this without the Republicans because when it doesn't work they don't want to be left holding the bag alone. THIS BAILOUT IS ALL ABOUT POLITICS PURE AND SIMPLE!!!

Oh...for the record...I am VERY DISAPPOINTED in President Bush for caving in to the Democrats. And look what that got him. Nancy Pelosi once again stabbed the President in the back during her speech on the floor of the House blaming him for THE ENTIRE FINANCIAL MESS. For a woman...she has a large set of cojones!

Have faith folks! And remember who came back to town to run the failed bailout meetings at the White House! That's right...Mr. Change, Mr. "I Can Bring Consensus", ...the leader of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States...Senator Barrack Obama.

You Decide!!!

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