Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Administration and the Stock Market

Why isn’t President Obama and his Administration concerned about the staggering losses in the stock market? (Note: In August 2008 the Dow Jones Industrial average (DJI) was at 13,000 today it is at 7,000…a drop of over 6,000 points!)

Because he wants the stock market to's as simple as that. Through the implementation of the bailout, stimulus, bank recovery act and now the housing bailout he has created an environment to encourage investors to pull out of the stock market. Causing a staggering loss of wealth.

Why? Fairness.

What does “Fairness” mean?

The stock market has lost trillions of dollars of value…which means families have lost what they have invested for the future. Invested by “the rich”. He doesn’t care…because now those rich are going to be just like the poor. Without money. President Obama is happy! This is fairness. To make everyone share the same level of misery. Make everyone poor. Except of course…those who control the purse strings. Him. His administration. Those in Congress.

Further, fairness means, in the terms of those of the liberal mindset, that those who HAVE in this country (the rich…or those who invest in the stock market) need to be FORCED to give of their means (the stimulus package) to those who do not HAVE (the poor of this country). Furthermore, the Administration (Attorney General Coulter) has said the “poor” in this country are the “people of color” and those who believe the stimulus package is unfair are “racist”!

Here we have it folks…the CHANGE President Obama ran on in his campaign is simply this…they are now in charge of the treasury. They have their hands on the money (taxpayers money…paid by those who pay taxes…by definition those who are NOT poor) and they are going to give it to those are poor. The poor …they who are the “victims” of capitalism! The poor who have not…even with all the gains brought about by affirmative action. They have had it…they are tired of waiting. They are in power now and they are going to take what they think is theirs (your tax money) and give it to those who they think should have it. They are going to take from those who play by the rules, invest in this country (the stock market), make a better life for themselves and their families, pay their bills, and play the game of life by the rules and just GIVE what is not theirs to those who have not earned it!

Take that you rich (white) folks!

And we are the racists!!

Get ready folks...there is more to come!

There is also a backlash coming!


denos5 said...

What about us poor white folks :)

Shawn and Tori said...

Amen to that!