Friday, October 3, 2008

Who Won the VP Debate?

Sarah Palin won the VP debate. How do I know? Because I wanted her to win. Actually, she won because she did nothing to lose the debate. She performed just as any reasonable reviewer would expect her to have done. She was articulate, passionate, clearly in command of the facts of those issues she is well versed in and less in command of issues that are just now coming on to her radar screen...such as foreign policy. She was happy, upbeat and presented herself well. So did Joe (yes...he said she could call her Joe) who did better than expected because he limited himself to speaking like a person and not the tired 36 year Senator that he other words...his answers were short.

Folks...debates are, at best, opportunites for the candidates to blow it! By not blowing it each did well. In this case Sarah could be said to have won the debate because if she clearly blew it the McCain/Palin ticket would have lost more than if Joe blew it (we would have just said, "That's the same old Joe").

As many of you know I like the comments of Peggy Noonan alot because she has a pretty sober outlook on things. You can read her take on the debate by clicking here.

A word of encouragement...please don't take too much stock in what you are hearing in the news media...if you listen to them the election is all over and Obama has already won.

Get fired up along with the folks at the after debate here.

Only you can decide!

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